SchoolDrive Service Summary
SchoolDrive is an online school management application. It manages public and corporate courses, and covers the entire teacher course administration.
In addition to school staff, teachers and corporate clients also have access to the system. This allows teachers to self-administer and corporate clients to track the progress of their staff in a transparent manner.
Key office staff functions:
- Manage master data (course, teacher, student, corporate client)
- Course administration, task definitions, breaks, student feedback
- Automatically validation and account for teacher administration
- Define standard syllabi, assign them to courses
- Waiting list management, online student application with placement test
- Finance: invoicing, invoice archiving, daily closing, receiving teacher invoices, importing bank transactions, receivables
- Room layout, drag-drop rearrangement
- OSAP XML, export, sending e-mails
Key teacher functions:
- Progress sheet, attendance sheet upload, syllabus, student evaluation
- Spoken placement test, lesson observation, administer other teacher tasks
- To-do list before invoicing
- Calendar, including all school and private events
- Store and share documents (e.g. diploma, resume)
Key corporate customer functions:
- Track courses and related documents, statistics
- Electronic invoices and timesheets
- Course calendar